What is a heat pump and how is it used for cooling and heating?

What is a heat pump and how is it used for cooling and heating?

The heat pump is used in heating and cooling systems of private houses and commercial buildings. The device is designed to transfer thermal energy from heat sources to a heat sink. In other words, a heat pump absorbs and carries heat from a cold space to a warm one, or absorbs heat from a warm space and carries it to a cold one.

Do you all know what a refrigerator is?. Inside it, around the refrigeration circuit, a working fluid is placed, which evaporates when heat is released from the source. After that, the heat is released, and the desired area is cooled. As heat is released to cool the air, the working fluid is condensed with the help of a condenser, after which the reversing valve creates cold air and directs the working fluid back into the circuit, and the process begins again. Just like this refrigerator example, the heat pump draws heat from a source to keep specific areas cool.

Heat pumps are used where cooling or heating is required, but existing systems are not sufficient to maintain the required temperatures. Thus, as a rule, residents of private houses decide to buy a heat pump for their domestic needs, as well as industrial centers. In standard heating systems, heat pumps separate heat from various sources such as water, air, soil and bedrock. In refrigeration systems, on the other hand, heat is removed rather than released. Overall, a heat pump uses less energy than other home climate methods and does not require fuel.

There are different types of heat pumps, each with its own specific advantages. Probably geothermal heat pumps are the most popular today. They are very quiet as they do not have an external fan. By the way, models with external fans have more risks of damage. The service life of geothermal heat pumps reaches an average of 40 years.

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