Benefits of installing stretch ceilings

Benefits of installing stretch ceilings

The stretch ceiling turned out to be more practical today, and it has rapidly gained popularity. Possessing many advantages, he took the lead in comparison with the classic plastered ceiling and suspended structure. It is easy to wash, is not afraid of flooding, it does not accumulate static electricity. A serious reason for many buyers to install a durable stretch ceiling. Installation and installation of stretch ceilings in Vidnoe is available for independent execution.

Everyone can do it

Having started arranging a fabric ceiling, it is best to use the clip-on method of fastening. Installation of stretch ceilings is done using a film sheet. You are given the option to choose from:

one. bead method.

2. wedge option.

3. Harpoon way.

Which stretch ceiling to choose is up to you, they are all widely popular for their practicality. The last option from the list provides for the location around the entire perimeter of the canvas and the installation of hooks for the film. They are attached to the profile, and only then the web is stretched along the ceiling. The harpoon method requires perfect cutting of the canvas and impeccable dimensions. A prerequisite for this option is that the film is planned to be reduced by 7% from the entire ceiling surface. The wedge method is used with a large canvas. The peculiarity of the option is concluded in the absence of the need to select the ideal sizes and patterns.

Having prepared a stretch ceiling with your own hands, you need to get rid of excess material, they are cut off. A fastening line is marked along a laser or water level to fix the profile strictly along this line using self-tapping screws or dowels. They are attached to the wall after 8 or 15 cm with a decrease in pitch at the junction, leading to one to two centimeters. The lower edge of the profile during preparation should be adjacent to the film, and should not have any protrusions, sharp parts. Otherwise, there is a danger of tearing the material. Finishing this step, it is planned to install a profile around the perimeter of the entire ceiling in the house.

Let’s now talk about the installation of stretch ceilings in Troitsk. And so, first, a heat gun is taken, which is used at the very beginning to warm up the space in the room. The temperature is brought up to 40 °C. Then unwind the film and fix it to the profile. Stretch ceiling in the kitchen must start from one of the basic angles (it is indicated on the material). In addition, the heat gun heats up the canvas itself to 60 ° C or a little more. And then the corner is fixed on the opposite side.

In this similarity, all angles are fixed. The result can be obtained excellent, high quality under the main condition: the film must be under constant heating. In other methods of fastening to the profile, it is made with the provided wedges or glazing beads. After a short time, the film and the heated room cool down. The surface of the ceiling is unusually beautiful and even.

Stretch ceilings order

Performing work on the arrangement of a stretch ceiling is not difficult, accessible to everyone, saves the family budget. You will need to order the canvas yourself. Such services are provided by companies producing materials for ceilings. Blanks are made according to the customer’s sizes, their delivery is carried out. Tension fabrics are supplied from reliable manufacturers. Professionals who are engaged in permanent ceiling installation and sale order in bulk at attractive prices.

Stretch ceilings installed in the house create the perfect harmony of design, which will not lose its effect for decades.

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