27 Jun Electric fireplaces as an alternative to classic fireplaces
It is not always possible to get out to a suburban house and enjoy the warmth of a fireplace, and having such a structure in a city apartment is a very dangerous business. However, you can equip it with an electric fireplace, which will help you create similar conditions in your urban housing. Regarding electricity consumption, they, as it may seem, are not very “gluttonous”.The power consumption of an electric fireplace when simulating combustion is up to 150 watts, and in heating mode up to 2000 watts. Optionally, it can be placed anywhere, which cannot be done with a traditional fireplace. It should also be mentioned that fireplace masters usually do not tell the customer – in our latitudes, the fireplace often performs only an aesthetic function, because if you use it for constant heating, then most likely you will wake up in the morning from the cold. Even in past centuries, the fireplace performed mainly the function of ventilation of the room.
As for the cost of electric fireplaces, the most expensive of them will be cheaper than the average plain version of a traditional fireplace. And if you consider that there is no need to buy firewood, accessories for a fireplace, it turns out that getting an electric fireplace will be cheaper and not so troublesome. It should be noted that in design and execution, electric fireplaces can compete on an equal footing with traditional designs. By type, electric fireplaces come with decorative portals, built into the wall and located separately. There are fireplaces that create an effect similar to burning. They can be used as a night light. It is possible that manufacturers will soon figure out how to reproduce the smell and crackle of burning wood, then the difference between electric fireplaces and traditional fireplaces will be almost imperceptible.
Equipment such as the Hawle valve is available for installation in pipelines. You can buy them in the company “Ingaztekh”. These valves have internal threads on both sides. At the same time, in general, they have external and internal threads. Also on sale is a valve with a combination of ISO nozzles, a valve for vertical installation (on mortise clamps), a mortise valve with ISO nozzles and others.
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