Features of planken

Features of planken

At the same time, planken has many positive characteristics, which include a long service life, good strength, simplicity in the installation process and many others.

During the production of planken, various types of wood can be used, but most often it is made from strong and reliable larch. Among the multiple quality characteristics of this type of wood is also such an important parameter as moisture resistance, which is a rather important criterion that a material for facade decoration should have. You can also highlight such properties of larch as resistance to the impact and development of various parasites and microorganisms (fungi, mold, etc.), resistance to temperature extremes, no need for protective coatings, excellent appearance, but also a rather high cost. However, there is also a cheaper type of wood for the production of planken – pine. Pine planken is also of rather high quality characteristics and attractive appearance, but at the same time it costs several times less.

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Modern planken is classified into traditional, also called classic, straight, equipped with special grooves, and oblique, characterized by the presence of sides cut at a certain angle. It is noteworthy that in our country the oblique planken is the most popular, since after assembly there are practically no noticeable gaps and fasteners on the surface of the facade.

It should also be noted that today there are several ways to fasten the planken, however, hidden fasteners are considered the most popular and common. After the installation of the planken on the surface of the facade, it is almost impossible to notice any traces of fastening, which cannot be said about other types of fasteners. Among other things, the planken mounted with hidden fasteners creates a very attractive and durable facade surface, which is also an important quality characteristic.

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