Modern housing can become even safer for children

Modern housing can become even safer for children

A child opening a window frame… This typical “parents’ nightmare” may now be a thing of the past.

Plastic windows are designed to be convenient in every way – for example, easy to open. But a plus in convenience is a minus in child safety. Exploring the world, children can create dangerous situations for themselves. Therefore, window manufacturers have developed several solutions for the peace of mind of parents.

The safety handle simply prevents the child from opening the window himself. After all, for this you need to press a special button at the same time as turning the handle, which the baby cannot afford.

Or there may be no handle at all – this is an option with a plug-socket – a decoratively closed hole in the frame. At the same time, the handle lies somewhere outside the children’s access zone and is used only by parents.

There are also window handles with keys. Their advantage is that neither a child nor even an adult can open the window without a key. Such handles have increased burglary protection from the outside, but there is one drawback – a small key needs to be stored somewhere, so consider this in advance.

You can always choose the right version of the handle according to the style, as in each designer line of handles there are options with child locks.

More comfortable home mechanisms – blockers. They do not allow the window to be fully opened by more than 5 cm., but allow ventilation. The blocker can be made in the form of a limiter with a cable or a special mechanism. There are also built-in, outdoor – the choice is great, and the price is about the same.

You can install a device that guarantees the safety of the child on any plastic window, regardless of the manufacturer. The cost of installing a handle with a child lock or a blocking mechanism when ordering a new window is practically not noticeable, and for finished windows it will cost from 300 to 400 rubles. per window sash.

The company “Window Continent” can install different options for handles, you just need to decide what suits you best. Choose, put and be calm for your child.

Article provided by: Press Service of Window Continent

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