06 Jul Wooden house: pros, cons and who will build?
The construction of suburban wooden houses, dachas and cottages has been gaining momentum in recent years, as people get tired of noisy cities and tend to either get out into nature more often or even move outside the metropolis.
Types of wood for the home
For the construction of wooden houses, profiled beams, rounded logs, glued beams or gun carriages are used. The tree can be painted, varnished, but the coating will need to be updated periodically, so an ordinary bar or log is often chosen for construction. When the shrinkage period ends, the house is sheathed with siding, which does not require special care and makes the appearance of the building more modern.
Why wooden house?
A special microclimate is created in a wooden house, which has a beneficial effect on human health. The air does not stagnate here, there is no feeling of dampness, since the tree “breathes” and has high vapor-permeable properties. The tree perfectly retains heat, which makes it possible to build thinner walls than in a stone house and save some money. The light weight of the house allows you to build a less massive foundation, which is also beneficial.
Cons of a wooden house
The main disadvantage of wood is its low fire resistance. However, it can also be dealt with with the help of special means by which the material is processed, the correct calculation of electrical networks and compliance with safety requirements. Do not forget that the house can always be insured, but it is better to do it in advance.
Who will build?
Any person can do the construction of a wooden house on their own. Naturally, when we say “any person” we mean someone who has some building skills and by no means an amateur beginner. For those who really want to build a house with their own hands, but do not have enough skills, you can choose the option of participating in the construction. That is, you hire craftsmen who know what a wooden house is and its construction, and together with them you participate in the process of building the desired structure. You can hire a team of builders and act as a contractor, or you can completely trust the company.
Photos in the article: ASK Stroy Dom
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